These programs and sessions are for individuals who want to start or deepen their own personal practice. Here, we work 1:1 and 1:2. All services are provided online or on-site in Southern Ocean County. We customize your service, schedule and sliding scale rate. Read through our detailed menu below and fill out our inquiry form to book.

  • Yoga Asana sessions focus on the physical practice of yoga. We offer 3 approaches, described below.

    Vinyasa Yoga - A dynamic or gentle 1:1 or 1:2 session that places movement in a specific order and is accompanied by the breath. During these sessions you’ll practice alignment that feels good for your body and learn about the 3 key elements of asana; breath, bandhas, drishti. You’ll learn foundational poses and traditional sequences.

    Therapeutic Yoga - A therapeutic 1:1 session for specific human ailments. While all yoga practices can be healing by nature, these sessions will provide therapeutic applications as they apply to you. In addition to yoga postures, these sessions include holistic movements that support your physical body as well as your nervous system.

    Restorative Yoga - A relaxing 1:1 or 1:2 session that restores the body to its parasympathetic nervous system function. During these sessions you’ll hold relaxing stretches for 5-10 minutes while using the support of props- a bolster, blanket and block.

  • Meditation sessions focus on the mental and emotional practices that are used in yoga. There’s an option to invite in spiritual practice as well. While these practices can also be weaved into asana and pranayama, our meditation sessions will provide a practical approach to the subtle body. We offer 2 approaches to meditation, described below.

    Yoga Nidra - A 1:1 or 1:2 session for sacred rest. Described as yogic sleep, yoga nidra is the art of conscious relaxation. During these session you’ll rest on your back and be guided through simple yet deep techniques that help you release hypertension in your mind and body. These sessions are infused with energy work and medicinal herbs to enhance the restoration process.

    Traditional Chakra Meditation - A 1:1 session where you’ll learn an active system of techniques that withdraw all of your senses from external stimuli. This is a very instructional and educational session that harnesses every part of the subconscious mind. You’ll learn proper meditation postures, chakra alignment, how to raise kundalini, mudras, proper breathing and visualization. These techniques train the mind to control the senses, rather than letting the senses control the mind.

  • Pranayama sessions focus on the breathing practices that are used in yoga.

    A 1:1 or 1:2 session that uses a set of techniques to regulate the breath. During these sessions you’ll learn in-depth guidelines that are needed to establish breathing practices and kriya (cleansing) techniques such as kapalabhati, nadi shodhana and nauli.

  • Spiritual Counseling takes care of your spirit.

    A 1:1 session for heart centered talks, meant for you to vocalize and release that which weighs heavy on your soul. Facilitate healing, purification and renewal through the power of the spoken word. Guidance is rooted in yogic psychology and philosophy.

  • A yoga practice with an understanding of trauma.

    A 1:1 session rooted in choice. While ALL of our services are practiced with an understanding of trauma, this particular session opens up the conversation to ensure your comfort. You’ll be invited to use embodiment techniques such as asana, pranayama and meditation to deeply ground into your body as well as the present moment.