“Catherine and I meet each week on zoom for yoga but it’s really more than just that. It’s an hour of connection and positivity that for me has been so beneficial. She has an abundance of yoga knowledge and she’s constantly learning new things that she shares. Through her authenticity and beautiful energy I’ve learned so much with the one-on-one practices. Catherine’s guided movement and enthusiasm for the yoga practice translates seamlessly through the virtual space. I was lucky enough to be guided by Catherine in person for years and even though we’re now many miles apart it doesn’t feel like it. I truly recommend Our Shala for literally anyone. Whether you’re looking to expand your existing practice or start from square one Our Shala provides a safe and beautiful place to do it.”
"I hope you know just how many lives you’ve touched. Thank you for your love."
"Thank you for your wisdom and for being such an incredible teacher."
"Your love and friendship is one of the most treasured pieces of my heart and I am beyond grateful to yoga for bringing you into my life."
"Thank you for easing me into the practice with so much love and compassion."
"We cannot adequately express how transformative private yoga instruction from Cat has been for us. We have been practicing weekly with Cat in her studio for a couple of years and now are doing remote Zoom yoga at home during the pandemic. When we started we thought we were in decent shape as we are very active for our age and participate in other hobbies and sports that are somewhat physically demanding. We have very busy and demanding professional lives and work long hours commuting into NYC each day. We don’t have a lot of time to devote to ourselves or a regular set exercise regimen but we were attracted to yoga because we heard it could help with flexibility and help reduce the list of minor aches and pains that seemed to be growing each year. Well, after our first few lessons, we realized we were in terrible shape and that this was the cause most of our physical discomfort and lack of energy. Looking back it’s hard to believe how difficult it was at first to fold to the ground and touch the floor, or take one step to the top of the mat instead of three when transitioning between poses, and not fall over while balancing in tree pose. Now we cannot imagine not doing yoga because of the incredible improvement it has affected in many aspects of our lives. We have better posture, balance and body awareness, increased strength and flexibility, clearer minds and focus, we sleep better and we have more awareness of our stress and more tools to help relieve it. We look forward to our lessons and appreciate how it makes us take a step back and reset our routine. All of this is due to Cat’s expertise in teaching us yoga poses and coaching us with our practice. She is very knowledgeable and will gently push us to make progress in our poses but yet is very careful no to go too far. Her ability to see that our shoulders are not relaxed, or that our feet aren’t flexed, or that we are gripping our toes instead or using our core when working through a sequence of poses in a Zoom lesson is nothing short of amazing and makes a world of difference with our progress. We also appreciate Cat’s ability to modify a pose to work for us if we are experiencing discomfort or can’t do it due an injury. We feel so lucky to have found Cat and are committed to making our yoga practice a permanent part of our lives.”